2016-2018 Advanced Module, Funen Art Academy
2013-2016 Basic Module, Funen Art Academy
2023, LANDBRUGLAND – i samarbejde med Michael Boelt Fischer, Ringsted Galleriet, DK.
2022, William, it’s not a dream, Artspace TRANSIT, Helsingør, DK.
2022, PLATEAUIC – i samarbejde med Daniel Mølholt Bülow, Villa kultur/VÆKST, Østerbro, DK.
2021, Beached at my breast, OXER, Ebeltoft, DK.
2019, Jeg hang ikke under fårets bug, Kunstbygningen Filosoffen, Odense, DK.
2019, Dreamer, Udstillingsstedet Spanien19C, Århus, DK.
2015, Mellem strandede hvaler og poserende modeller, EKS-RUMMET, Copenhagen, DK.
2014, Breathing is my Languages, FAA Project Room, Funen Art Academy, Odense, DK.
2023, Det Store Springvandsprojekt, Kunsthal6100, Haderslev, DK.
2023, SUPERMARKET – Stockholms alternative kunstmesse, FLAT Octopus, SE.
2021, Skulptur Odense 21, Hollufgård, Odense DK.
2020, Elsker ikke, elsker, Aarhus Artspave, Århus, DK.
2019, JCE Biennalen 2019/21, Le Beffroi de Montrouge, Paris.
2019, DUO – Daniel Mølholt Bülow & Jonas Kjeldgaard Sørensen, Art Room 1000fryd, Aalborg.
2019, Opløsning af det private arkiv, Oxer, Ebeltoft, DK.
2019, Final Exhibition, Axel Tower, København, DK.
2018, The Drama, Brandts 13 – museum for art and visual culture, Odense, DK.
2017, Floating Art 17, Kunstmuseet – VejleMuseerne, Vejle, DK.
2016, Floating Art, Kunstmuseet – VejleMuseerne, Vejle, DK.
2016, So this is what you look like from inside, 3rd year show, Odense City Hall, DK.
2015, Art Future/Future Signs, Art Academy of Latvia/KUNO, Riga, LV.
2015, INTERMOVE, Titanic/Vilnius Academy of Arts,Vilnius, LT.
2015, Fare Away from The Universal Studios, Holmegaarden/Funen Art Academy, DK.
2015, Produktion >< Publikation, FAA Project Room, Funen Art Academy/Media Museum, Odense, DK.
2015, Svendborg is the warmest color, 2nd year exhibition, Ved siden af, Svendborg, DK.
2023, Spytspande og Sorte huller, H.C. Andersen festivalen (Odense), Ringsted Galleriet (Ringsted), Kunsthal6100 (Haderslev), Udstillingstedet OXER (Ebeltoft), Udstillingsstedet Spanien19C (Århus).
2022, Is it to soft?, ALLE MULIGE TING, Performance Festival, Lille Vega, København, DK.
2021, BLØD, H.C. Andersen Festivals, Odense, DK.
2019, Drømmefortællinger; OK Corral, København; “Vi ses i forsamlingshuset”, performance-event i 4 udvalgte forsamlingshuse, København; “Performancesfestival”, PERFORMANCErum/Udstillingsstedet Spanien19C, Århus; “Art Future / Future Signs”, Art Academy og Latvia, Riga; “Sensorium II”, Rendezvous/Øst for Paradis, Århus.
2018-19, Sheep Talk, “The Drama”, Brandts, Odense; 13 Festivalen – Performance Art Festival, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg; JCE Biennalen, Le Beffroi de Montrouge, Paris.
2018, Pulling the wool over your eyes, H.C. Andersen Festivals, Odense, DK.
2017, Permanent Nutid, Korupvej 21, Mod.Strøm, Funen, DK.
2017, Pulling the wool over your eyes, From Street to City, Odense Municipality, DK.
2017, The Flock, Spire Festival, Holbæk, DK.
2016, Gloves and blinds, Somerset House, London, GB.
2016, Permament Present – Prologue, So this is what you look like from inside, 3rd year show, Odense City Hall, DK.
2016, His Voice a Sirens Voice, 13 Festivalen Performance Art Festival, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, SE.
2015, I’m flirting with my new amplifier in the shape of the goddess Europa, Nida Art Colony, Nida, LT.
2015, Læsning (Reading), Fare Away from The Universal Studios, Holmegaarden/Funen Art Academy, DK.
2015, The Body Builders, Gender conference, Funen Art Academy/University of South in Denmark, Odense, DK (workshop-collaboration).
2015, My Private Model, Mellem strandede hvaler og poserende modeller,EKS-RUMMET, Copenhagen, DK.
2014, Faces of Memory, 70th anniversary of FAA (Funen Art Academy), Odense, DK.
2014, When I sunbathe, I forget about the future, Habitat, Odense, DK.
2014, What are you wearing? – a training monologue, Danse Hallerne , Copenhagen, DK.
2014, Således talte (Thus spoke), From Street to City, Odense Municipality, DK.
2014, SELV-LEDE-LSE, One Night Only, Overgaden, Copenhagen, DK (collaboration).
2013, Fat Staven, One Nigth Only, Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand, København, DK.
2021, SAMMENSTØD – i samarbejde med Morten K. Jacobsen, Ringsted Galleriet, DK.
2019, ROBO-ART, Konsulent/kurator, Kunstbygningen Filosoffen – Odense
2018, Kunstformidler – Fjordenhus, Vejle Kunstmuseum.Kommune.
2018, byVANDring, Luna Park Scenekunst, Svendborg, DK.
2016, Trainee by Rose English, 4 months.
2017, Residency at The Danish Institute in Athens (DIA), 2 months
2013-, Bestyrelsesmedlem på det kunstnerdrevne udstillingssted Ringsted Galleriet.
2019, Legat, Antikvar Carl Julius Petersens Hjælpefond.